A few weeks ago, I submitted my PhD thesis. It felt good – really good. It gave me a sense of accomplishment even though I have not defended yet. Submitting the written document convinced me that my four and a half years of work have culminated into a coherent package. Handing in the document gave me a sense of closure, but also a sense of opportunity since I hope this thesis represents not the end of my scientific career, but only the beginning, the spring board of skills and knowledge upon which my future career will be based.
After weeks of focused writing from morning till night, I now have a bit of time to spend with my baby. It’s been great taking him on long walks, playing with him at parenting centres, watching as at 9 months he is becoming less of a baby and more of a toddler. It is a wonderful transition and I’m happy to be experiencing it. Now if only there were more hours in a day so that I would also have time to write grant applications for a post-doc …
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1 year ago