I've been away for a long time, since I still don't have access to daycare. But I've already written about that unfortunate situation in my last post. It's too bad that being a full-time mom by day and working by night doesn't leave much time (or sanity) for blogging.
However, something interesting has happened to me in the blogosphere. I've been tagged. Fia has invited me to write six random things about myself. Hmmmm, where to begin.
1. I generally NEVER do chain letter type things online, but in this case I figured it might get my blog some exposure, so I thank Fia for the invite.
2. The first pet I ever loved was a fish named Mr. Fish.
3. In my first year of university I won the "keener frosh" award. This means I am a huge geek and actually enjoyed the humiliating activities that first year students are made to do.
4. In line with number 3, I actually enjoy being on committees. It makes me feel like I can change things for the better.
5. I enjoy research immensely (I wouldn't be working so hard to stay in this game despite currently having no financial or child care support if I didn't), but I am also looking forward to the teaching and service components associated with a professorship (if I ever get one). But let's start with getting a paid post-doc and some childcare first :-)
6. Although I love eating and trying new things (I ate and enjoyed guinea pig in Peru), I could live on bread, cheese and apples.
But here's the trouble with the tagging part ... every blogger I read has already been tagged for this meme (or else I do not feel comfortable tagging them). So ... I'll have to leave it at this post.
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1 year ago